
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Welcome to my blog !

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It's not easy to start a blog when you have nothing to say. It becomes much more exciting to post when your passion becomes so important that you want to share your story, knowledge and experience with the rest of the world.

I've been working with mind mapping for 15 years now but it was only in February 2011 that I discovered what Tony Buzan had invented and what ThinkBuzan is all about. How is it possible? It's a known pattern of the thinking processes which prevent you from seeing new things on the road because you are so much formatted by the routine and by the fixed way of seeing the surrounding environment. But apparently Tony Buzan has already been there for a while with a fantastic philosophy: "Generate mind flowers and flood the world with them".

Then, everything became clear in my head. Tony Buzan, Chris Griffiths and other colleagues from ThinkBuzan have unlocked my hidden potential for making mind maps. It was during this amazing course in London officialising me as a ThinkBuzan Licensed Instructor (TLI).

Philippe Packu with Tony Buzan
Philippe Packu with Tony Buzan
It's a new start for me, I see many opportunities to spread the message further and extend the work Tony has started 40 years ago. I'm now part of a wider 'family' with similar ambitions and I'm full of thoughts and emotions just with the idea of creating mind maps as part of the ThinkBuzan network.

Beyond the thinking process and drawings on paper with a couple of colour pen, mind mapping is appearing  more and more on computers. You can find a lot of software, even for free, but there is only one great tool for making Buzan compliant mind maps, it is iMindMap. You will not find a better tool on the market for approaching what we used to do on paper. Curved branches with words along, infinite space, smart layout, full of colours and images, it's the best software I've ever used.

It's a coincidence but my blog starts with the launch of iMindMap 5, the new and revolutionary version of the tool. It comes with an online access, so you can review and update your mind maps wherever you are and collaborate with colleagues or friends in real time.


  1. Hello Philippe
    Thank you for posting your mindmaps in internet/ the biggerplate .
    Very Nice and inspiratiaonal.
    I,m following the TLI course right now.
    Bye Septiem

  2. Hello Septiem
    I'm sure you will enjoy the TLI course. It's a great program with great people both from the course side but also in the attendees. I like to stay in touch with new ThinkBuzan instructors and their peers so do not hesitate to share your experience.

