
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Did you mindmap me?

My colleague was surprised when he discovered that I summarized the main characteritics of his personality with a mind map. Cliquez ici pour voir la version française du billet

Today I attended an interesting training session mainly focused on communication. One of the exercises proposed by the trainer was to practice for few minutes with a partner and identify the things that mattered most to him in a given context (ie work).

During my interview, I took some notes but I really wanted to draw a mind map. However, I chose not to raise the issue with my partner in order to avoid disrupting his concentration. Once the exercise was finished, I used the break to take a few colored markers available to us and I made a quick mind map outlining the interests of my colleague. On his return, I was happy to explain my approach and offered him the map. He exclaimed "Wow! Did you mindmapped me?”. He was surprised by the gesture but not by the content. He was aware of the Buzan method and the subject seemed to interest him much. He made me the pleasure of photographing the mind map that I gladly share with you.

Quick mind map for a colleague

The mind map is actually not very elaborated but it is not the primary object of this post. This is to demonstrate that a mind map is also a tool for socialization and fun because it brings pleasure easily to the one who performs but also to those who receive.

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