
Monday, January 2, 2012

I wish you creativity in 2012!

This is my first creative mind map of the year in order to wish you all the best for the new year 2012. I wish you will be strong to overcome your difficulties and achieve great things in the future. This is my first creative mind map of the year in order to wish you all the best for the new year 2012. I wish you will be strong to overcome your difficulties and achieve great things in the future.

I cannot thing about 2012 without having a quick look back to 2011 and a couple of great moments and achievements related to mind mapping that happened last year.

Christmas tree mind map created with iMindMap 5
I had the chance to meet well known persons such as Tony Buzan or Chris Griffiths, but also amazing people in the two ThinkBuzan Licensed Instructor programs I joined in London and Amsterdam.

I discovered with the new version 5 of iMindMap a very interesting and promising software for mind mapping which I cannot live without now.

In 2011, I bought also my first books about mind maps, creativity and innovation and especially one from Chris Griffiths, "GRASP - The solution" that I recommend to all of you if you want to learn ways of adressing challenges and problems with success.

And finally, I'm so glad to see my blog being a reality. I would not have imagined such a success with about 10000 visits in 2011 and a lot of great comments and support from all of you. I plan to post more on this year and I hope I can continue to inspire you in your life.

Philippe Packu
ThinkBuzan Licensed Instructor

Philippe Packu
ThinkBuzan Licensed Instructor


  1. Nice map Philippe !
    Keep going what you do bring a lot to Mind Mapping !

  2. Great map, Philippe.

    Nice use of Freehand Branches, as always! Very inspiring.

  3. Hello Philippe, it is truly inspiring to read your thoughts about mindmapping and mindmap techniques on this blog.
    I notive that you are using iMindmap. Have you tried other mindmap programs? I prefer them to be online mindmap programs and therefor did a survey amongst those available. You can have a look here:
    All offer "freemium" models = You can sign up for free, test and see if you like them before doing any payment.
    All the best,

  4. Indeed I'm using iMindMap and as a certified instructor, I've already recommended to ThinkBuzan to develop an online version (or at least a viewer). Online tools are very important for me as well and I'm following what is happening on the market. Thank you for sharing your list.
