Define the purpose
Each mind map must be built with a purpose in mind. In the present example, the goal is to memorize how Belgium is divided in provinces, where they are located and what are their respective chief town. It’s a lesson from the 3rd year primary school program. This means that 8 years old students must learn by heart the name and the position of 20 elements on the map. Using a traditional approach, including intense and repetitive efforts, the child will finally remember the lesson. But for how long? There is no guarantee that the whole information captured will be recalled properly when needed. It all depends on the efficiency of the memorization process. With a mind mapping approach, the lesson will be quicker and better assimilated as well as more accurately recalled. In case of a lesson, the central idea usually represents the subject to be learned.
Work with the end in mind
At the very beginning of the process, there is no other choice than analysing the material which is given to you and which explains the lesson. If you want to create a mind map, you must extract the central idea from the content as well as some topics for the first level of branches (Basic Ordering Ideas). Looking at the example of Belgium provinces, it’s very easy to build a mind map with a branch for each province and a sub-branch for each chief town.
But do you think this mind map is adapted to the initial goal? Does it provide a mean to remember the position of each element? Don’t you think this mind map is a bit boring to be easily memorized? Beyond the content, you must also think about how to draw a remarkable mind map. The first version of the mind map does not include a spatial representation of Belgium and it is also very poor in colour and images. With a bit of creativity, it’s possible to imagine the Belgium map split by provinces, each of them linked with a branch to a central idea. Each province area can also be filled with a colour in order to better identify and remember them among each others.

If you are interested in discovering more why colour matters, you can visit ColorMatters.com, a nice website about the subject.
Personalize with storytelling
If a mind map has a purpose, it has also a beneficiary (one that benefits from the mental process of mind mapping). It can be the author him/herself or a different person. Here in the example, the ultimate user is the student who must learn the lesson. If you draw the mind map for someone else (like I'm doing), this person must absolutely be involved in the whole process, from the very beginning. Selecting colours, defining keywords and adding images must be the result of personal choices. The memorization process starts with the creation of the map and is reinforced during its completion. Once the mind map is completed with the keywords (provinces and chief towns), it’s important to enrich even more the map with images, colours, rhythm, spatial elements or with any other memory or mnemonics techniques (visit Mnemotechnics website for some of them). One way of selecting images that will fix the information in the brain is to grasp visual assets from stories that the mind map user would tell you or invent about the keywords used. I did the exercise with my son who gave his personal interpretation of the different elements. Here are a couple of sentences that came out of the discussion:
- Luxembourg is the province we cross when we go to France. Arlon is the city where “cat” aunt is living;
- Liege (cork in English) is the material used for wine bottle cap;
- Gand (glove in English) is what your hands need when it’s cold outside;
- Bruges has a famous football team;
- Namur includes the word "mur" (wall in English);
- ...
![]() |
Creative mind map of Belgium |
Numerous studies show that physical or emotional stimuli essentially creates the same physiological condition that heightens memory retention. It’s obtained by exciting neuro-chemical activity that affects areas of the brain responsible for encoding and recalling memory (Source: Wikipedia). The emotional content and state (mood) are also very important to consider because it can have a powerful impact on memory (see Fiona McPherson article: The role of emotion in memory). Practically, the best way to memorize the lesson and the related mind map is to decompose the process in 3 main activities, ideally executed at different moments.
- Build the mind map: create, enrich, review, update the mind map. Talk about its content, about its format, about its appearance. It absolutely essential that you enjoy the process and deliver something you like.
- Re-explain the mind map: without looking to the map, tell a story about what the mind map contains, why it's built that way, what are its specificities, what are the images that have been added and their meaning. According to your preferences, you can re-draw the map, speak out loud or even play with your hands to reproduce virtually the mind map in the air. Check what you missed and adapt the mind map if needed.
- Test your knowledge: several times before the exam (before sleeping, during your breakfast, in the bus, ...) take a look at your mind map and check whether you still master it, meaning that you can perfectly recall each branch and sub-branch as it should be. You can also ask someone to simulate an exam in order to test your memory and your knowledge in a different context.
According to the levels-of-processing effect theory suggested by Fergus Craik and Robert Lockhart, memory recall of stimuli is also a function of the depth of mental processing, which is in turn determined by connections with pre-existing memory, time spent processing the stimulus, cognitive effort and sensory input mode. In other words, the ability to recall correctly and efficiently the lesson totally depends on what happened during the mind mapping process. The mind map itself is not enough.
Many scientists believe that nothing is ever entirely forgotten. With the correct trigger you can remember things you thought to be long forgotten. When recalling the lesson, the first trigger is to remember the purpose and visualize the central image as well as the different branches that radiate from it. The second trigger is to select a specific branch corresponding to the piece of the map you must complete. Think back the direction of the branch, the way it is curved and colorized, which illustrations you added at the end and on top of it. With all those elements back in mind you should be then able to recall the ultimate piece of information you were looking for, the keyword written on the branch.
Learning styles
I'm not an expert in the domain, but I must at least admit that my article does not fully apply to all categories of learners. One of the most popular models of learning styles is Fleming’s VAK/VARK theory. This theory separates modes of learning into four categories: Visual, Auditory, Reading and writing, and Kinesthetic. Even though VAK is one of the most widely known learning styles, many different models have been discussed in the literature. What is important to note here is that the technique I’m teaching mainly focuses on the visual dimension. I’ve already started to work on studies that will demonstrate how mind mapping techniques can also be used for other categories of learners.
Willing to hear from you
Don’t hesitate to test the technique and share your experience here. I’m also interested to read professional’s feedback (teachers, psychologists, ...) and get their recommendations to go further in my studies. I plan to post more articles about successful mind mapping experiences. if you are interested, we can easily stay connected via different channels:
For those who are interested in the iMindMap file, it is uploaded on the Biggerplate platform and accessible on http://www.biggerplate.com/mindmaps/7RmsW9LA/philippe-packu-how-to-memorize-a-lesson-belgium-geography
Don’t hesitate to test the technique and share your experience here. I’m also interested to read professional’s feedback (teachers, psychologists, ...) and get their recommendations to go further in my studies. I plan to post more articles about successful mind mapping experiences. if you are interested, we can easily stay connected via different channels:
For those who are interested in the iMindMap file, it is uploaded on the Biggerplate platform and accessible on http://www.biggerplate.com/mindmaps/7RmsW9LA/philippe-packu-how-to-memorize-a-lesson-belgium-geography

Define the purpose
Each mind map must be built with a purpose in mind. In the present example, the goal is to memorize how Belgium is divided in provinces, where they are located and what are their respective chief town. It’s a lesson from the 3rd year primary school program. This means that 8 years old students must learn by heart the name and the position of 20 elements on the map. Using a traditional approach, including intense and repetitive efforts, the child will finally remember the lesson. But for how long? There is no guarantee that the whole information captured will be recalled properly when needed. It all depends on the efficiency of the memorization process. With a mind mapping approach, the lesson will be quicker and better assimilated as well as more accurately recalled. In case of a lesson, the central idea usually represents the subject to be learned.
Work with the end in mind
At the very beginning of the process, there is no other choice than analysing the material which is given to you and which explains the lesson. If you want to create a mind map, you must extract the central idea from the content as well as some topics for the first level of branches (Basic Ordering Ideas). Looking at the example of Belgium provinces, it’s very easy to build a mind map with a branch for each province and a sub-branch for each chief town.
But do you think this mind map is adapted to the initial goal? Does it provide a mean to remember the position of each element? Don’t you think this mind map is a bit boring to be easily memorized? Beyond the content, you must also think about how to draw a remarkable mind map. The first version of the mind map does not include a spatial representation of Belgium and it is also very poor in colour and images. With a bit of creativity, it’s possible to imagine the Belgium map split by provinces, each of them linked with a branch to a central idea. Each province area can also be filled with a colour in order to better identify and remember them among each others.

If you are interested in discovering more why colour matters, you can visit ColorMatters.com, a nice website about the subject.
Personalize with storytelling
If a mind map has a purpose, it has also a beneficiary (one that benefits from the mental process of mind mapping). It can be the author him/herself or a different person. Here in the example, the ultimate user is the student who must learn the lesson. If you draw the mind map for someone else (like I'm doing), this person must absolutely be involved in the whole process, from the very beginning. Selecting colours, defining keywords and adding images must be the result of personal choices. The memorization process starts with the creation of the map and is reinforced during its completion. Once the mind map is completed with the keywords (provinces and chief towns), it’s important to enrich even more the map with images, colours, rhythm, spatial elements or with any other memory or mnemonics techniques (visit Mnemotechnics website for some of them). One way of selecting images that will fix the information in the brain is to grasp visual assets from stories that the mind map user would tell you or invent about the keywords used. I did the exercise with my son who gave his personal interpretation of the different elements. Here are a couple of sentences that came out of the discussion:
- Luxembourg is the province we cross when we go to France. Arlon is the city where “cat” aunt is living;
- Liege (cork in English) is the material used for wine bottle cap;
- Gand (glove in English) is what your hands need when it’s cold outside;
- Bruges has a famous football team;
- Namur includes the word "mur" (wall in English);
- ...
![]() |
Creative mind map of Belgium |
Numerous studies show that physical or emotional stimuli essentially creates the same physiological condition that heightens memory retention. It’s obtained by exciting neuro-chemical activity that affects areas of the brain responsible for encoding and recalling memory (Source: Wikipedia). The emotional content and state (mood) are also very important to consider because it can have a powerful impact on memory (see Fiona McPherson article: The role of emotion in memory). Practically, the best way to memorize the lesson and the related mind map is to decompose the process in 3 main activities, ideally executed at different moments.
- Build the mind map: create, enrich, review, update the mind map. Talk about its content, about its format, about its appearance. It absolutely essential that you enjoy the process and deliver something you like.
- Re-explain the mind map: without looking to the map, tell a story about what the mind map contains, why it's built that way, what are its specificities, what are the images that have been added and their meaning. According to your preferences, you can re-draw the map, speak out loud or even play with your hands to reproduce virtually the mind map in the air. Check what you missed and adapt the mind map if needed.
- Test your knowledge: several times before the exam (before sleeping, during your breakfast, in the bus, ...) take a look at your mind map and check whether you still master it, meaning that you can perfectly recall each branch and sub-branch as it should be. You can also ask someone to simulate an exam in order to test your memory and your knowledge in a different context.
According to the levels-of-processing effect theory suggested by Fergus Craik and Robert Lockhart, memory recall of stimuli is also a function of the depth of mental processing, which is in turn determined by connections with pre-existing memory, time spent processing the stimulus, cognitive effort and sensory input mode. In other words, the ability to recall correctly and efficiently the lesson totally depends on what happened during the mind mapping process. The mind map itself is not enough.
Many scientists believe that nothing is ever entirely forgotten. With the correct trigger you can remember things you thought to be long forgotten. When recalling the lesson, the first trigger is to remember the purpose and visualize the central image as well as the different branches that radiate from it. The second trigger is to select a specific branch corresponding to the piece of the map you must complete. Think back the direction of the branch, the way it is curved and colorized, which illustrations you added at the end and on top of it. With all those elements back in mind you should be then able to recall the ultimate piece of information you were looking for, the keyword written on the branch.
Learning styles
I'm not an expert in the domain, but I must at least admit that my article does not fully apply to all categories of learners. One of the most popular models of learning styles is Fleming’s VAK/VARK theory. This theory separates modes of learning into four categories: Visual, Auditory, Reading and writing, and Kinesthetic. Even though VAK is one of the most widely known learning styles, many different models have been discussed in the literature. What is important to note here is that the technique I’m teaching mainly focuses on the visual dimension. I’ve already started to work on studies that will demonstrate how mind mapping techniques can also be used for other categories of learners.
Willing to hear from you
Don’t hesitate to test the technique and share your experience here. I’m also interested to read professional’s feedback (teachers, psychologists, ...) and get their recommendations to go further in my studies. I plan to post more articles about successful mind mapping experiences. if you are interested, we can easily stay connected via different channels:
For those who are interested in the iMindMap file, it is uploaded on the Biggerplate platform and accessible on http://www.biggerplate.com/mindmaps/7RmsW9LA/philippe-packu-how-to-memorize-a-lesson-belgium-geography
Don’t hesitate to test the technique and share your experience here. I’m also interested to read professional’s feedback (teachers, psychologists, ...) and get their recommendations to go further in my studies. I plan to post more articles about successful mind mapping experiences. if you are interested, we can easily stay connected via different channels:
For those who are interested in the iMindMap file, it is uploaded on the Biggerplate platform and accessible on http://www.biggerplate.com/mindmaps/7RmsW9LA/philippe-packu-how-to-memorize-a-lesson-belgium-geography
That is a very good MM.
ReplyDeleteI think that Mind Maps work at much more than just the visual level. They activate the "where" and "what" circuits in our brains (visual) and many other areas as we integrate the information into our experience and sump of existing knowledge.
Have a read of Phantoms in the Mind (Ramachandran) and the Back of the napkin (Roam).
Keep up the good work Philippe. Best wishes, Christopher
Thank you for your comment and recommendations Christopher. Your explanation helped me to understand that we are are integrating indeed more than just the visual level and that's probably why it is so much efficient.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post. Not only is the mind map in itself a great illustration of how to use the process for learning, but you also hit upon a key point that many people overlook: that you should try to define the purpose of your map before you begin.
For some, that will sound over-restrictive, but if the stated purpose is to brainstorm and explore an idea, that is not restrictive at all. Knowing whether you need your map to be presentable/understandable to others, or whether it can simply be your own mad scrawl is another example. Well worth taking a minute before you start your map, and ask yourself the question "what is this map for?" You could even do a who, what, when, where, why, how thinking process to identify the purpose of your map!
Anyhow, all in all, another great piece from you. We are thoroughly enjoying your invaluable input into the evolution of mapping!
Thank you Liam for reinforcing my message about the purpose. You know how much I'm insisting on the subject. It's key. I'm very pleased to inspire people with my mind maps.
DeleteHi Phil,
ReplyDeleteGreat job, indeed ! Your mindmap in simply gorgeous ;-)
I agree with Liam that you need to define your goals before you start mindmapping. Sometimes, people draw a wonderfully looking mindmap, but it is understandable only for themselves.
It is not the case with your mindmap : this is a pretty good exemple of how mindmapping can help kids to understand and memorize geography. I also am a strong supporter of mnemotechnics.
Keep on doing this good job!
Indeed Marco. Sometimes, it is very difficult to read the map of someone else. If the author got the benefits he/she was looking for, that's fine. If the goal is to share with others, it's more complicated. The key becomes then the simplicity, in the sense of J. MAEDA (thanks to Jean-Pascal Cote)
ReplyDeleteA very energizing post. I teach in Lille, in a secondary school, and from few years I used mind mapping with my puppils. The most important is the fact the mind map must start from the learner, and your mix is an original approach. The map is just a tool to go to the goal, here to memorize. About Kinesthesic, draw and color by hand is a (little?) way to use the body, to fix informations by the hands.
Thanks a lot
Lucas Gruez
As Christopher said, indeed drawing is already a kinesthetic activity. I'm just coming back from a football match with my son during which he learn by heart his poetry (with a mind map of course). It's a test ...
DeleteThis is a great example of the practical use of creativity in a true Buzan style mind map and why it is so much more effective.
ReplyDeleteGreat job
Thank you Chris.
DeleteHope to meet you soon and have a talk about.
Great post!!! Really complete and clear. Plus your map is really beautiful and it actually helped me learn some interesting stuff about out neighbor’s country.
Not sure if we can achieve the same with so much departments in France. I'm happy to please you with my mind maps. More to come!
DeleteNice map, Philippe. Can you let me know what software you used to create the map? I need to make one of South America (I am memorizing the capitals)
ReplyDeleteIt is created with iMindMap, the most organic and creative mind mapping software. It is created by Tony's Buzan and Chris Griffits's team under the ThinkBuzan name.
DeleteHere is the link http://www.thinkbuzan.com/a_id/509068dbbcaf7
Enjoy your work and do not hesitate to share with us the result.
Thanks a lot! This looks promising. I am in the trial thing now, and I am looking for geographical maps of South America so I can add my associations, but I can't find any. Where did you find the geographical map of Belgium?