
What others say

Simplement superbe Philippe !
By Sylvie Kwayeb Fagon on Dot to Dot puzzle with iMindMap on 4/15/12

Just great!!!!! I´m gonna use it with my kids in class. We are just learning this. Thanks!!!!!

I have no words to express my appreciation and admiration of your brilliant effort.
By  subra on Watch my map and map your watch  on 3/22/12

We are thoroughly enjoying your invaluable input into the evolution of mapping!
By  Liam Hughes  on Geography: A (mind) map of Belgium  on 3/22/12

Many Thanks Philippe, Great focus for this organisational chart. True that iMindMap is so powerfull for breaking barriers visible or not. And for that, no need to sacrify organic or functional view ! So great.
By  Denys Mind-Mapping-Decision  on  Map your organisation with a chart in iMindMap  on 3/17/12

Hi Philippe, Your MindMaps are really original and incredible. I just published a post on my blog about them...and you
By Franck Maintenay  on  Watch my map and map your watch  on 3/14/12

Philippe this is absolutely brilliant, what a fun and interactive way to teach children how to tell the time the old fashioned way. I love it :)
By Sally-May Schinkel  on  Watch my map and map your watch  on 3/8/12

Nice work .... again :)
By Hanne  on Map your organisation with a chart in iMindMap on 2/27/12

Yes, great job indeed. Well explained. Thank you Philippe :)
By Olivier Herlin on Map your organisation with a chart in iMindMap on 2/27/12

Excellent work as always, Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas with us :)
By Sally-May Schinkel  on Map your organisation with a chart in iMindMap on 2/25/12 

Thanks Philippe, really enjoyable read and great demonstration of iMindMap as always.

OMG... LOL... FYI... some other examples... Eat Love Pray Sheldon from Big Bang Theory Knock Knock Knock "Penny" Knock Knock Knock "Penny" Knock Knock Knock "Penny"
BTW I enjoyed your MindMap for the Children's Chores, what a great idea & a new twist on Chore Charts. :)
By Sally-May Schinkel on Rule of three mind map on 2/11/12

Fantastic. Well done Phil. Going to share with others now. Best Chris
By Chris Griffiths on Getting children to obey with a mind map on 2/1/12

Very nice post Philippe; compliments ! We don't use it for this purpose (yet) but i think it is a wonderful and creative idea ! Thanks for sharing !! Best regards, Ronald van de Buld
By Ronald van de Buld on Getting children to obey with a mind map on 1/27/12

Phil Really good post ! Good idea, and well explained.
By Frederic VEVE on Getting children to obey with a mind map on 1/27/12

Great article Philippe! Hope many parents will think about Mindmapping in a positive way from now on.... By Business in Balance on Getting children to obey with a mind map on 1/26/12

Awesome Philippe ! Great stuff and well written. The idea of the credit card size mind map is fantastic. Your article motivates me to try.
By Olivier Herlin on Getting children to obey with a mind map on 1/26/12

Great map, Philippe. Nice use of Freehand Branches, as always! Very inspiring.
By Charlotte on I wish you creativity in 2012! on 1/3/12

Nice map Philippe ! Keep going what you do bring a lot to Mind Mapping ! Fred
By Frederic VEVE on I wish you creativity in 2012! on 1/2/12

Nice article, thanks for the information.
By rental mobil on A young boy in a good shape on 12/12/11

Hi Philippe ! I was there and you are doing AMAZING things with iMindMap ! Besides that you did a great presentation and are a very nice guy. Thanks for your inspiring " artmaps " Philippe ! Best regards, Ronald van de Buld BLD Advies
By Ronald van de Buld on Creative mind maps are also possible with computer... on 10/7/11

Philippe, congratulations once again for your input. Not only will this presentation encourage young people to enhance the mind mapping experience, but also makes me want to learn French!
By Carl Peters on A young boy in a good shape on 9/16/11

Philippe, this is amazing stuff !!! Baptiste is so cute ! He has done a great job ! And a lesson on how to teach geometric forms simply and efficiently in 1'51.... So inspiring. I hope the teachers at school have seen this... I am waiting for the next lesson ;) Tell Baptiste he has a fan. Olivier
By Anonymous on A young boy in a good shape on 9/15/11

Philippe, You continue to make great contributions to the mind mapping world, first with your own unique maps, and now with this fantastic map from Baptiste! Thank you for doing such great work, and sharing your experiences with us! Liam Hughes Biggerplate
By Biggerplate on A young boy in a good shape on 9/12/11

Timelines are NEVER going to be the same, you are changing the World one Mindmap at a time! :)
By Sally-May Schinkel on The time of my line on 8/2/11

This puts a capital A in AWESOME!!!!
By Sally-May Schinkel on Five Wives and One Husband in colour on 8/2/11

Howzit Phillipe, I just wanted to say Thank You for taking the time & the expense to come up to the TLI Training in Amsterdam, to share your beautiful work and mindmaps with us. I am looking forward to going through your tutorials and being inspired by you and your 7 year old. Thank You again :)
By Sally-May Schinkel on Creative mind maps are also possible with computer... on 8/2/11

Very interesting and exciting. You have shifted my perspective. Thank you.
By Anonymous on Can I become a source of inspiration? on 7/10/11

Dear Philippe Please allow me first to thank you for sharing this great work and creative ideas. I have been following up all your work and the transformation you made with, what I call, fantastic thinking tool. Thanks to Tony Buzan, his Team and you for such inspiration. Mohammed 6TM
By  Mohammed  on Five Wives and One Husband in colour on 7/7/11

Well Done!!
By Nisha on Five Wives and One Husband in colour on 7/7/11

Absolutely brilliant! And what an inspiring site! I can't imagine what you will come up with next, but I'm looking forward to finding out. Keep it up!
By Graham Buik on The time of my line on 7/6/11

It's amazing when we decide to make our children learn in up to date ways not in traditional ways we had in the past . thanks to everyone in the world trying to make life of people easy and enjoyable. and thank you so much because you are one of them.
By TornhearT on Any age. Any subject. Most important: Enjoy! on 7/1/11

Philippe Amazing. I am in awe. You push iMindMap beyond the boundaries one can imagine. Well done!
By Chris Griffiths on The time of my line on 6/23/11

Some amazing examples Philippe! It is always great to see children suddenly alert and alive once they start Mind Mapping... Very inspirational. Thanks Emily,
By Emily on Any age. Any subject. Most important: Enjoy! on 6/13/11

Hello Philippe That is very good. I am waiting to introduce my nephew to MM. He is not one year yet but I know that he will enjoy it...and it will serve him well as his automatic response to recording information. Keep up the posts as I like to visit them. Christopher Boyd in Liberia
By  Christopher on Any age. Any subject. Most important: Enjoy! on 6/7/11

Philippe Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this with us. Children love to mindmap. It engages them in a way that traditional note taking cannot. If only more parents could help their children in this way. Very best.
By Chris Griffiths on Any age. Any subject. Most important: Enjoy! on 6/7/11

Hi Phil Good idea, I am going to use it very often. Thanks for sharing.
By Nisha on Beyond the limits of a software on 6/2/11

Phil, it would be even greater if it was possible to expose the roots of the tree. That would make this type of MM multi dimensional. For example you could have added that way on your tree what is not visible to most people about deforestation....yet as extensive as the branches. Your blog is really exciting ! Olivier ;)
By Olivier Herlin on Can I become a source of inspiration? on 5/23/11

Fantastic stuff Philippe. So creative and educative. From linear notes to MM supports the cause ;) Besides, sharing it with the community is the way forward, open, like a MM. Olivier
By Olivier Herlin on Beyond the limits of a software on 5/22/11

I'm a Mapper for many years. I create handdrawn mind maps and I create software based maps. For me there is only one reason for developing mind maps with software. If I want to connect digital informations or I need to export the map into different formats. If you don't need this features and digital connections, stay with a pencil and a sheet of paper. Even the most colorful and individual computer-map can't replace the fastest interface in the world: Pencil-Paper-Brain.
By Andreas Lercher on Can I become a source of inspiration? on 5/22/11

Hello, Today I stumbled on your blog while browsing Biggerplate. I fully share the concern expressed in this post. I really look forward to next posts and next maps… I might also contribute from time to time. P.S.: Serait-il conforme à l'étiquette du blog de répondre en français à un article en anglais ?
By Alexis Van Espen on Can I become a source of inspiration? on 5/22/11

Hi Phil WoW! I truly admire your technological know-how. This truly brings the already gret iMindMap5 even more alive! Thank you for sharing your ideas with me.
By Fiona on Beyond the limits of a software on 5/20/11

Well done Phil!! Great creativity used on this and your tree. The iMindMap 5 software is just briliant by itself and adding creativity adds to the fun. Keep up the good work. Carl
By Carl on Beyond the limits of a software on 5/20/11

Hello Phillipe This is a very nice map. You have highlighted here one of the major problems I have been grappling with- the sameness of many mind maps created in software. You have inspired me here to look for creative ways to overcome the problem. Christopher B
By Christopher on Can I become a source of inspiration? on 5/20/11

Hi I have been using real post-it's for years when doing business process modeling on brown paper; the appearance is appealing and the post-it is functional for maintaining the model. Try using colored strings to join the thoughts. Regards Arthur
By Anonymous on Beyond the limits of a software on 5/16/11